In partnership with our colleagues in Ecuador (Centro Integral de la Familia) ICFamWell:
- Completed a 2-year “practitioner” research curriculum and accompanying resource manual (in Spanish) that is being taught throughout major clinical (university) programs of Ecuador. This has enabled students and other practitioners the opportunity to evaluate and improve their clinical work and participate in larger networks of clinical work and research in surrounding Latin American countries. In support of this effort, we provided a local Fulbright Scholar (from Philadelphia!) to assist CIF’s graduate students with formulating research questions for their required theses.
- Completed a year-long clinical supervision curriculum (with accompanying resource manual (in Spanish) that is now being implemented in a “train-the-trainer” format through CIF.
- Presented two “congresos” (2009) focusing on Family Violence and Sexual Abuse in Families. This was conducted in collaboration with colleagues from Boston’s Child Witness to Violence Project.
- Provided materials and consultation to support CIF’s work with incarcerated women as well as direct services to children of incarcerated parents.
- Began to identify ways to further support CIF’s pilot projects in several large urban schools to reduce school violence and reach out to local families in these large, urban communities.
- Conducted additional international congresos (2005-2009) relating to topics of substance abuse treatment, program development, and community violence prevention strategies.
- Provided an intensive Child-Centered Play Therapy and Filial Therapy seminar (2010) for 120 practitioners from several regions of Ecuador. An additional “techniques of therapeutic play” workshop was provided for a network of church workers who provide care to many young children in a very underserved community of Quito.
- Ongoing internet-based collaboration with community-based therapists seeking consultation on challenges cases
- Participation in 2011 RELATES conference with CIF colleagues in Lima, Peru.
- Collaborated with local colleagues to present a series of workshops in the 2012 RELATES (Red Española y Latinoamericana de Escuelas Sistémicas)conference, hosted by Universidad de Asuay, Cuenca, Ecuador
- Needs assessment of community-based project in Villa el Salvador (Lima, Peru) regarding resources for family counseling resources and training through a network of faith-based programs serving this large, underserved community.
We are able to continue this vital work through the generosity of our volunteers and donors.
We thank you for your support in promoting healing and wellness for many of our most vulnerable families! Please continue to support our work!
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